physical wellbeing

Physical Wellbeing

People who are thriving in Physical Wellbeing, have good health and enough energy to get things done daily.

It’s not all that difficult to get and stay healthy. Unfortunately, society today is in a healthcare crisis. We are suffering from non-communicable or lifestyle diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, cancer) and according to the World Health Organization, depression will be the leading cause of illness by 2020.

A growing body of evidence indicates that those diseases may really be symptoms of three primary lifestyle habits, poor nutrition, inadequate physical activity and inadequate rest and sleep.

According to Michael Gregor in his New York Times Bestselling book, How Not To Die, “Our diet, is the number-one cause of premature death and the number-one cause of disability.” His work, a collection of the best of nutritional research indicates that if we are interested in feeling great and avoiding illness, our diet is the first place to start.

While diet can eliminate feeling foggy headed, and fatigued, prevent and in many cases reverse disease, getting and staying moving requires motivation. That’s because most people who start exercising drop out within the first six months. Why? Because the reasons we start exercising just aren’t all that motivating: to look better, to lose weight, to lower our blood pressure and cholesterol; and because if we fear that if we don’t, we too will fall victim to the diseases plaguing our society.

The problem is, these messages just don’t motivate us over the long term. We are motivated for immediate gratification, so if we want to reap the benefits of eating healthier or moving our bodies, we need to find healthy foods we love, and select activities we enjoy, that will keep us coming back for more – over and over again.

The benefits of eating well and getting regular exercise include: more energy, better sleep, less stress and depression, improved mood, memory, creativity, and overall life satisfaction. We stop living from one craving to the next and begin truly enjoying food and movement.

Physical wellbeing doesn’t have to be a chore. It’s just a matter of understanding what makes us feel good, and letting go of all the shoulds and musts that we have been living with. We need to stop SHOULDING all over ourselves and begin experiencing the real benefits of physical wellbeing.


We will help you:

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  • Ensure your wellbeing goals are rooted in a healthy mindset
  • Understand what activities motivate and fuel you
  • Give yourself permission to make yourself and your physical well-being a priority
  • Help you build new habits and routines that will become a sustainable part of your lifestyle
  • Practice self-compassion and develop resilience so you can quickly recover from setbacks and get back on your path to greater wellbeing


If you would like some help with your physical wellbeing, contact us! 

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